Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Herb Alpert's Birthday

Happy 76th Herb! Spanish Flea it up today.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sticker Shock

I've been house hunting casually for over a year now. Since I'm renting currently, I don't have to get into a place immediately, but it's always in the back of my mind.

I love searching through real estate magazines and websites. I love imagining what I could do to a place to make it mine. There are quite a few older, bungalow style homes available at any given time near downtown where I've been looking. I love the character of the homes, the big trees, the quirky neighborhoods. I also love that I'm looking in one of the cheapest places to buy in the country. You can get a very nice house in this area for less than $150,000. The thing I'm not loving is the amount of shoddy, leaky, cracked foundations I'm seeing. I know that eventually I'll find something that I'll fall in love with, and will be in good condition, but it's kind of a bummer when that's the only thing wrong with a place. It's definitely too big of a wrong to ignore, though.

I've recently run on to a number of awesome, modern pre-fab or kit houses that I'm in love with. Most I have seen in Dwell magazine, which I should really just pony up a subscription for since I buy nearly every issue off the shelf.

The first was the one that really got me thinking. Rocio Romero, located (conveniently for me) just outside St. Louis, MO has a prefab kit that costs around $40/ sq. ft. which is really reasonable. I love the styling and natural light.

I love the large windows in the back (seen in the second photo), but you'd have to have the perfect piece of property to put this on if you wanted any kind of privacy at all. Also, it's just a little bit stark in this configuration.

I also found another from Live Edge, of Oakland, CA, that seems really cozy. Designer, Paul Discoe, combines Japanese woodworking techniques with salvaged urban lumber to create a comfy-yet-modern home.

It's still very modern/minimalist, but the wood really adds a warmth that I like. I emailed to get the details and thought for sure I was seeing incorrectly when I received a reply. Build-out on this one...$250/sq.ft.!! HOLY GEEZ!

Keep in mind that neither price includes land, basement/foundation, appliances, or finish. That means that on the second option I'd be looking at a price probably close to $300,000 or even $350,000 for a 1000 sq.ft., three bedroom house. That same amount would buy you a VERY nice 4-5 bedroom, probably twice the size, home in this market. Not to mention I don't have anywhere near that amount to spend. That's what lots and lots of solid wood costs, I suppose.


Back to the drawing board.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Taco Night!!


The making:

The Mad Chef (muaah haaa haaaa):

The building:

(No photos of the frenzied eating were captured)

The aftermath:

Snow Day

I still can't believe it snowed this weekend. I know everyone was predicting it, but I just didn't want to think it would actually happen.

Tried to go out after all I saw was rain for a few hours. Jumped in the car, headed down the road, and no more than a mile out I ran into snow. This turned into heavier snow, and then giant flakes, and in no time (literally 10 minutes) it was blizzard- ish and I saw (not kidding) eight cars go skidding off the road, including a snow truck towing a salt trailer. Yeah. Turned right back around and high tailed it home.

You know it's a snow day when:

A.) The cat takes up residence in the toasty, straight-from-the-dryer laundry

B.) The dog refuses to leave his bed

C.) You bake something labor intensive just to pass the time. Mmmm... apple rolls

Somehow I neglected to actually take any pictures of said snow. LAAAMME!

Also rented Zach and Miri Make a Porno and Step Brothers both of which the movie store women warned me about. "You're not watching these with any kids are you?" "Umm...no" "Good because there's definitely some inappropriate subject matter that a lot of people don't expect". Really? In a movie that has "Make a Porno" in the title?

I must have a 14 year old boy's sense of humor because I thought both were hilarious.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Not looking forward to this. Now I feel like an even bigger dork for buying plants last weekend.

Must hit the store directly after work to stock up on supplies for Taco Weekend before I get snowed in.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hey Girl (love, Ryan)

New hilarious blog love today: F Yeah! Ryan Gosling. What sweet nothings would Ryan murmur if he was your boyfriend? This site will tell you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

It's finally here...

It's For My Own Good

Friends...I have an addiction. I once used it just to get my by during tough times, but lately I've found myself needing it more and more. Last week during my hellish sickness, I did it almost all day everyday, just to give myself a bit of relief. Now that I'm better and the weather is improving I really don't want to use it as much, but I am. I'm talking online TV and movies.

Not going to lie, it's gotten pretty bad. I used to just catch up on missed episodes of primetime tv occasionally. Then I started exclusively watching a few shows that conflicted with my schedule online. Then I was searching for new shows to watch when I was bored and the weather was too gross to go out. While I was sick and walking to the kitchen and back felt like running a marathon, I stayed cozy in bed with my trusty laptop and a nearly endless supply of Hulu movies and television shows, and catching up on my favorites at ABC and NBC.

I've got regular broadcast television, but no cable. On any typical night I can maybe find one show that I'll sit down and watch on the handful of channels I get. It's just that when I have tons of episodes, on demand, that I actually like...the draw of the couch gets much stronger.

Even though I'm better this week, I find myself in the post-sickness, changing of seasons, tired, slump. I come home, have some dinner, hang out with the dog, and then the laptop goes on. I just need to sit down and relax for a few minutes. First I'm just going to watch one episode. Then I just HAVE to see how the cliffhanger resolves itself in the next. I toss a load of laundry in, and why not, turn on a movie until it's time to change the wash over to the dryer. All too often I'm still up at midnight just to finish off the last few minutes of that movie. **sigh**

It's pretty bad isn't it?

That's why I'm challenging myself. For the remainder of this week, no more online movies or TV. NONE. I know it's only three days, but baby steps right?

Hi, my name is Cara and I'm addicted to my laptop. (Hi, Cara.)

The first step is admitting that I have a problem...

(Photo courtesy Andrew Coulter Enright)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Twist...

...on an old question.

Typically I've heard "If you could save one thing from your burning home other than your family or pets, what would it be?" Yesterday on Talk of the Nation I heard a story that put a different and very current spin on this question. In light of the current economic situation, many people are selling off belongings to ease financial woes. Mary Schmich, columnist for The Chicago Tribune, asks: What wouldn't you sell if times got so tough you had to sell some belongings?

It really made me think, and at first I didn't know quite how to respond. I am nervous that this is a reasonable question to ask at this point in American history. I am sad that many people who have previously never had to consider this question, suddenly have to take it very seriously. I am mad that there seems to be a bigger divide than we have seen in a long time between the haves and the have nots, and that some are still so oblivious to the growing amount of struggle happening often in their own neighborhood. I am stunned at the amounts of "haves" who, with one layoff or cutback, slip so quickly into that "have not" realm.

Luckily, I have not yet found myself in a situation that would require me to sell any of my belongings to survive. I attribute this in part to living a fairly simple lifestyle: nice but economical car, no cable television, no daily lattes, old but sturdy furniture, eating out only once or twice per week. Sure, I could make a few more cutbacks if need be, but I feel like I live very sensibly. I also have a job I really love, that I hope continues to be stable and lasting. But, back to the question.

It took some serious consideration for me to answer this. I discovered that there really aren't too many of my belongings that I am super attached to. This, I guess, is good. It might not be super convenient to live without a dining room table or a television (not that anyone would probably want my 13inch :) ), but I could do it. If my house was burning I would definitely grab my external hard drive that holds my entire music collection, photos...the typical stuff. In a selling situation, it's not grab and go. I could temporarily store all my songs on my computer's hard drive, and I doubt anyone would want to buy photos of my family or my friends and I doing goofy stuff. There are a lot of things that I wouldn't want to sell, but could ultimately be replaced if it meant living independently or not. Also, let's assume that since my computer is nearly 5 years old, and my iPod is custom engraved, that those things are safe :)

After much thought, I would not sell the following items:

1.) My favorite quilt - It's not handmade, it's not an antique, and it's definitely not an heirloom, but it's been with me since freshman year of college and I love it. I don't even use it on my bed, but it's one of the most comforting things I have in my house and I would really miss it.

2.) The family rocker - I was rocked in it as a baby, and I know my Mom has always hoped I would use it for my own children some day.

3.) My car - It's not luxury, but my Yaris is a great car, and the first new vehicle I bought for myself. Also, I need it to get back and forth to work and I'm severely independent and know it would stress me out to no end not having it around.

The whole exercise was pretty eye opening as far as priorities and values go. Hopefully I never find myself in this situation because, while the car would give me shelter, and the quilt would keep me warm, I fear a Clampett-esque situation since I don't think the rocker would actually fit INSIDE the Yaris...

Monday, March 23, 2009


I think that the first day of feeling better after you've been sick for what seems like forever is the BEST. Simple things like being able to breathe through your nose, not having a pounding headache, or being able to walk to the kitchen and back without being exhausted feel totally amazing. Maybe that's why we get checked with sickness every so often, so that we realize how amazing feeling normal and healthy is. Definitely won't take that for granted this week, or probably a long time afterward. I feel like I just woke up after a long and fabulous nap.

In other news, I think Spring has finally arrived. FINALLY. Trees are flowering, bulbs are blooming, and things are really greening up. It felt so nice to be out in the sunshine this weekend. I may have let the Spring excitement get the best of me, and definitely made a not so cheap trip to the greenhouse this weekend. Bought nine kinds of herbs and a tomato plant that I put in some planters on my porch. I know, I know...tomato planting season isn't for almost another month, but I figured I can bring the planters in at night for the next few weeks. Oh yeah, also bought two spring dresses (not from the greenhouse, obvs). Oops. Stopped by Target and Lowes too and checked out some porch furniture. Didn't buy any of that yet, but found an awesome retro-looking set that I'm highly considering.I'll check my excitement for that at least until next pay period.

Another reason I think Spring is here for real...the random duck chilling on the concrete railing outside my window at work today.

Hey there duck. I really like your green head. Say hi to your mother for me.

Friday, March 20, 2009


My t-shirts from the $5 Threadless Sale came in the mail today!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Wedding Wrecks

I'm home sick again today. I seriously can't believe it. EFF BEING SICK! Seriously.
Instead of more whining from me (because I'm about to go completely stir crazy) I give you Tacky Weddings.

Camo?! Awww heeeeellls to the nah! Seriously, this is almost as good as one of my other favs Cake Wrecks. What is WRONG with people?!?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Away We Go

Comes out in June. Can. Not. Wait.

SXSW 2009

Today officially opens the South By Southwest music festival in Austin, Texas. The weather there: currently 60 degrees with a high of 80 degrees, no chance of precip. **sigh**

Tonight alone features the likes of M. Ward, the Decemberists, Jessica Lea Mayfield, School of Seven Bells, and over 400 other acts... all today, and not including the next four days of music.

Wish I was there.

(Photo courtesy ldandersen)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I'm still sick...still...

No green beer for me today. Even though I'm not feeling back to normal yet, I just can't feel totally bummed on this beautiful day. I left work a little early after feeling like crap for most of the day. Stopped by the pharmacy to pick up my plethora of prescriptions after my doctor's visit today, came home, and am now sitting happily outside soaking up some much needed rays. Yeah, it's nearly 7pm, so not many rays are left to be had, and yeah, my medicine isn't exactly working yet. Still, it's much easier to feel less sick while sitting in the sun after you haven't seen it for so many months.

Come on Spring...two more days.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Down and Not Out (of the House)

Woke up today and I'm officially SICK. I've got a nasty cough, stuffy head, sore throat, my ears hurt, and I feel generally groggy and gross. Tried to get up and get ready for work thinking I would feel better if I just got up and around, but soon found that it just wasn't happening today. Not planning on going out at all, in fact.
So, I signed into the network briefly to answer a few emails, and spent literally the entire rest of the day in my bed, with hot tea, catching up on this season of Hell's Kitchen. (For those of you watching, I still don't believe that Colleen is a cooking instructor and when is Lacey going to go home already?!?) That was the industrious part of my day, followed by an amazing nap from 1:00-5:00pm.

I have now made my way on to the couch where I plan on doing more nothing in different location.

My fab parents are bringing me some medicine since I discovered that every cold remedy I had (3 different varieties, BTW) were expired by at least three months. Hopefully they'll be able to ignore the mountain of used Kleenex piling up on the floor. I'm so gross today...
(Photo courtesy TheGiantVermin)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hear ye, hear ye--all my college professors listen up!

A story on today's NPR Morning Edition says that people who doodle while listening to a lengthy stream of information retain 29% more information than those who don't doodle. I knew I was on to something!

Listen to the story in it's entirety here.

(Photo courtesy thebigdurian)


So apparently I'm sick...again. For some reason I think I've had nearly every cold that's gone around this winter. I've been calling this one "allergies" for the past few days, hoping that if I downplayed it enough it would give up and go away. No luck. This morning I woke up with a headache, coughing, tired, stuffy...bleh.
Still, I knew that once I was up and around I would feel a little better, so I got ready and headed out the door. So far so good. That and it's snack day at work, and no one wants to miss that.

I don't think coffee has ever tasted as good as it does on mornings like this.

(Photo courtesy DeaPeaJay)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Lately I'm eating pretty much whatever I want on the weekends, and not going to lie, it's all been really delicious. I don't feel totally horrible about this since I usually keep it healthy during the week. Also, I am lazy, so it's not unusual for me to eat a bowl of Cheerios for dinner. I figure that this allows me to live it up a little more on the weekends. Maybe.

The following is a rundown of new and old favs that I've been noshing.

1.) Korma Sutra - Chicken Korma

Old fav but sooo delicious. Yummy white meat chicken chunks in a delish coconutty curry sauce over rice. I love that they give you all the extras (starters of crackers and chutneys and unknown ball of fried deliciousness; with mango ice cream, rice pudding, additional sweet balls of fried deliciousness, and homemade chai for dessert) that really make dining out an experience. The portions are huge so I always have leftovers the next day, and the naan is a must try. I'm getting my fix right now because it's a lot harder to step out of the air conditioning into 100 degree heat with a belly full of indian food.

2.) Blanc Burger and Bottle- The Classic Burger

Another old fav. I've not been disappointed with any burger I've had there (turkey, lentil, Kobe, meatloaf, pork) but just finally tried the Classic recently. It was everything a great burger should be; juicy, beefy, perfectly seasoned...mmm. Sadly, I only made it through about half of this monster before I had to throw in the towel. I always have trouble deciding between sweet potato fries and onion rings, and between flavors of Izzy Sparkling Juice. Have not had a milkshake yet, but it's on my list for upcoming visits.

3.) Sheridan's - Chocolate Mousse Pothole

Strangely the BF and I tried this when we were having an ice cream craving in the middle of a blizzard, (the snow variety, not the DQ) and it was heavenly. We've since shared another one. It's vanilla frozen custard with chocolate chips, and a column of chocolate mousse that runs through the center. After writing this I really want one...right now...

4.) The Classic Cookie - Belgian Waffle with Fruit

I've tried numerous brunch options at this place and have loved every one of them. I used to rotate between the breakfast sandwich with fruit, the yogurt parfait with a muffin, and the breakfast burrito. I've been in a decidedly un-eggy mood lately though and decided to mix it up a little. The waffle is crispy and golden on the outside, fluffy on the inside, and not overly sweet. It's topped with fresh blueberries and sliced bananas and served with a side of butter and syrup. It's huge, so I can never finish it, but still end up sneaking a bite of the BF's bacon, which is also delicious. A Classic Cookie brunch is never complete without a cookie for the road. My favorite is the ginger, but I've also loved every other option I've tried including chocolate peanutbutter, chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, and peanutbutter.

In other gluttonous news: Murray's Ice Cream in Westport reopens this weekend after it's winter hibernation (**...and the heavens above opened and spilled light upon the Murray's patrons, the angels sang on high, and it was good**) FINALLY!!

(Photo courtesy waldo oiseau)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sexy People

The BF shared this gem with me today, and oh my goodness, I laughed so hard I almost threw up.
Sexy People. Go. Now.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Pt.2

The remainder of the weekend was spent with the BF grilling, ...

...poking things with sticks, ...

...beer drinking, ...

...burning things, ...

...and eating lots and lots of banana pudding.

Weekend Pt.1

This past weekend started off with some dinner with the girls at one of our favs, Korma Sutra, in Westport. With plans to check out First Friday in the Crossroads we paid our bill and headed downtown. We made it, but realized that it was 10pm and things were already winding down. Feeling too full for drinks and in no mood for clubs, we started driving and the following ensued...

First we ran onto (yeah I know it's blurry, but look closely near the top of the windows) ...yep...The Cool Bus. Do we know why or how it was cool? No, but somehow it still was.

Shortly after, somewhere around 59th and Rockhill, we saw this sweet piece of work next to the road. We thought nothing of it, until we ran onto...

...this, at 74th and Main...

...and this at 79th and Walnut... (note unknown saucelike stain on the cushion)...

..and finally these elsewhere in Waldo...

Ok actually the flip'n'fold was at 52nd and Brookside, under a street light, and yeah we still stopped. Where did all these couches come from? The world may never know, but one thing is for certain: they were disgusting...and we sat on them.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog Love

I've been travelling once again this week for work. Mainly when I'm actually home I've been trying to get my place cleaned up when I can, enjoy the nice weather this week, and sometimes just crashing on the couch. That said, my blog has again been sadly neglected.

I HAD to jump on today though, and give some blog love to one of my new favorites, Little Brown Pen. I first spied it on another one of my favorites Smitten, and have been a devout follower ever since. Writer Amy, husband Evan, and their two sons are a hip and very cute family that are living and blogging in Paris right now. (*Luckeeeeeeeeee*) I love the photos of their life and Paris, her writing is excellent, and they even have a fab Etsy shop with some of their designs for sale.