Friday, January 30, 2009

I think I'll go to Austin

While I really do love Kansas City, and it actually does have it's very own special hipster factor, there are a few cities I DREAM of living in because of their undeniable, gigantor hipness. Austin, TX is one of those.

Not only is there a great music (Austin City Limits, hello ?) and art scene, but there are tons of little quirky things to explore.

I discovered The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema while browsing all things Austin on the web the other day, and I think I'm in love. Let me lay this out for's both a sweet, arthouse movie theater, AND a restaurant where you can eat during the movie. The downtown, or Alamo Ritz, location (as there are several) in particular seems to have a lot of cool, and often themed, stuff going on.

The thing that won me over completely, is that on select Saturday mornings they host a SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON CEREAL PARTY. Your ten dollar ticket buys you 2.5 hours of classic 80's cartoon viewing (we're talking Ghostbusters, She-Ra, ThunderCats, and Care Bears) AAAAAANNND ALL YOU CAN EAT OF 50 KINDS OF CEREAL!! Mmmmm.... *sigh*

Heaven, thy name is Alamo...

(Photos courtesy Katie Spence and Pacfolly)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Stuff that Dreams Are Made Of.... apparently beef and cheese on a toasty bun. Do not adjust your computer screen. This is actually exactly what it looks like, and yes, it's real.

The Hamburger Bed's owner and creator, Kayla Kromer of Austin, Texas made it in honor of her favorite food. On The Hamburger Bed facebook page (yes, it has one), Kromer says that the bed was inspired by her love of burgers, and the movie Hamburger. It measures eight feet in diameter and is three feet high and features lettuce sheets, a cheese quilt, and pickle and tomato pillows. Kromer also say that "It is the most comfortable bed I have ever owned... ever."

I'm sure it is.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Discriminatory Snacker

There comes a time in every office worker's life when he or she finds themselves in need of a between meals pick-me-up. I usually try to plan ahead and have healthy stuff on hand for just such an emergency. Still, there are days when I find myself with a rumbly tummy, no go-to's in stock, and a pocket full of quarters. This is dangerous, friends.

I make my way upstairs to the dreaded vending machine, knowing already what will happen. I scan quickly and punch in the same number as always, watch the crunchy foil bag drop, and claim my prize.

I'm going to make a confession. I am a snack discriminator. Hostess Cupcakes?...cute, but come on, that frosting is pretty gross. Chips? Too much salt. Those 'real juice' gummies? Fail...try again. I can think of a reason that every brightly packaged snack staring out of the glowing vending machine is a bad choice...that is, except for my beloved Mini Chips Ahoy. I'm not going to claim their healthiness above others, or wholesome ingredients. We all know they're chock full of all kinds of refined garbage and sugar like the rest, but for some reason they have a special place in my heart. Oh, how I love that little blue bag, and nothing else will ever do it for me quite the same :) (photo courtesy jaac. )

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Audacity of Soap?

I'm all about some good bar soap. However, I found a new product today that, while I'm sure it serves it's purpose well, I'm a little hesitant about.

The product in question: The Obama Bar. You heard me right, there is a bath bar in honor of our 44th president. True, I giggled a bit at slogans for the different scents like "United We Scrub!" and "Cleans Lipstick Off a Pig!!" I'm all about the natural ingredients and supporting worthwhile charities, but not sure I'm entirely comfortable with producers commercializing our nation's leader in this way.
Not to come down singly on the Obama Bar people too hard (because frankly your marketing is pretty genius and your product seems pretty wholesome), but I think we may be getting a bit numbed by the huge fascination with celebrities and public figures. After all, this isn't a tarty pop star, or hot young actor we're selling, but a man we've entrusted with the future of our country. I just have to think, today it may be harmless soap, but where will his image be used next?

Gone are the days of reverent respect for our elected leaders, and frankly that makes me a little bit sad. True, some of our leaders could conduct themselves in ways more fitting of high level decision makers, but do any past or present deserve to be plastered on less than flattering greeting cards, made into dog toys, or molded into cheap Halloween masks? At what point are first family members unfairly dragged into the frenzy?

Maybe some use the image as a way of paying homage rather than mockery, but I feel like the line there is so fine and easily crossed that it should probably just be left alone to begin with.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Bloody Good Time

Along with a few people from my work, the BF and I made our way down to Municipal Auditorium this past Saturday to check out our very first roller derby match at the KC Roller Warriors season opener. We were most definitely not disappointed.

It was a really good time, and though it was definitely full contact, it was not as rough as I had thought. After about three matches we really started catching on to the rules and loved it.

For those of you visually oriented like me, this fab little illustration found on the website explains it all:

This would have been helpful to know beforehand (since we couldn't hear the announcer's explanation for the echo), but we eventually caught on. Anyway, it was well worth the money and I highly suggest checking it out if you ever get the opportunity.
It was definitely fast paced, exciting, and overall everyone was very down-to-earth and seemed to really enjoy themselves. Most of the ladies have day jobs and do it simply for love of the sport. Refreshing considering the attitudes of many athletes today.
Despite the edgy reputation, we didn't see any blood, biting, or punches thrown (that I could tell) but there were plenty of rowdy spills and blocks. I'm sure a few KC ladies are sporting some pretty sweet bruises this week.
Not going to lie, I'm kinda intrigued, and kinda want to do it. Next tryouts are in the fall sometime. Looks like I need to brush up on my quad-skating abilities :)

(photos courtesy basurablancaphoto)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Life in Technicolor ii

Just when I think I couldn't love Coldplay more...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Love Update

Good news! I Love You More Than ________ (that I posted about last week) has been so popular, they've had to move to accomodate all the love!! You can now find them here.

Go visit their new digs, and don't forget to share the love.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I <3 Rivers

For all you Weezer fans out there, I heard a fantastic interview with frontman Rivers Cuomo on NPR's Fresh Air yesterday. In it he talks about his new solo album, his childhood at an ashram, his method for songwriting, how he doesn't like to be labelled, and much more. Oh Rivers, you're so mysterious and indie.

Also **SPOILER ALERT** the girl from the song "Pink Triangle" was real! Listen to the interview here.

P.S. I had the biggest crush on him in college. It's gotta be the glasses, and the combo of nerdy rock/rockstar cool...and....(*sigh*) :)

(photo courtesy monkeyatlarge)

Is It Summer Yet?

This winter seems to be draaaaaagging. Right now I'm dreaming of sunshine and flip-flops. I really hate the cold, and have become totally cabin faverish lately. I'm sick of coats and cold cars, chapped lips and always looking for that other glove.

I'm going to take advantage of the slightly warmer temperatures today and tomorrow and try to get outdoors as much as possible.

Until it warms up for good I can be found shopping for this summer's swimsuit, running indoors on the treadmill (yuck!), wistfully searching Orbitz and Southwest for last minute deals to tropical destinations (that I still can't afford), and watching this video with the BF because somehow it gets funnier every time:

Maybe I should also add "learn the Gilly dance" to my list of winter activities. It's like a trainwreck...I just can't stop watching even though I know I should :)

(photo courtesy schneller2000)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cheese Penguins and Other Impossible Things

I have to say, I'm a little at a loss for words today from all the events surrounding the inauguration. In a good way. I am hopeful for the future of the country and so very proud of the open mindedness of Americans, who attempted and succeeded at something once thought impossible or even unthinkable.

I just keep thinking of one of my favorite poems, by Sarah Lindsay, that illustrates the power of hope and belief even in times where there could be none.
Cheese Penguin
The world is large and full of ice;
it is hard to amaze. Its attention
may take the form of sea leopards.
That much any penguin knows
that staggers onto Cape Royds in the spring.
They bark, they bow one to another,
she swans forward, he walks on her back,
they get on with it. Later
he assumes his post, an egg between his ankles.

Explorers want to see everything, even
the faces of penguins whose eggs have been stolen
for science. At night they close the tent flaps
to fabricate sundown, hunch together
over penguin fried in butter, and write up their notes.
Mornings they clump over shit-stained rocks,
tuck eggs in their mittens, and shout.
Got one, got one. They shove back their balaclavas;
they feel warm all over.

The penguins scurry for something to mother,
anyone's egg will do, any egg
no matter how stiff and useless the contents,
even an egg-shaped stone to warm—
and one observer slips to a widow
a red tin that once held cheese.
Finally the wooden ship sails, full of salted penguin,
dozens of notebooks, embryos,
explorers who missed as little as possible. But:

The penguin cherished the red tin on her feet.
She knew what was meant to happen next
and she wanted it, with a pure desire
refined for thirty-five million years
in the dark eye of every progenitive cell.
And it happened. A red tin beak broke through
and a baby flopped into the rock nest, smelling of cheese—
but soon he was covered with guano, so that was all right.
Begging for krill from his aunts' throats just like the others.

Winter: blue ice, green ice, black sea,
hot breath of yellow-jawed killer whales.
Summer: pink slime on black rock,
skuas that aim for the eye. Krill, krill,
a shivering molt, krill, krill, a mate,
and so on. And though he craved dairy products
he never found any; though he was miraculous
no one came to say so. The world is large,
and without a fuss has absorbed stranger things than this.

Sarah Lindsay
Primate Behavior (Grove Press, 1997)

"We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." --Barack Obama

Today is the day

Happy Inauguration Day everyone!!!

(photos courtesy and Steve Rhodes)

Friday, January 16, 2009

I Love You More Than _________.

If you haven't yet, go check out one of my new favorite blogs, I Love You More Than _____.

It's creators say, "I love you more than ______ is an exploration into the wonderful world of love. Paperwhite studio wants to depart from the cliche valentines sentiment and find out the real things we are willing to put in second place for love. We'll be collating and uploading them as we go along with the aim of producing a valentines day surprise. . ."

So far some of my favorites are "I love you more than popping bubble wrap", "I love you more than the last day of school", and "I love you more than Jim Halpert".

I sent mine in! Go check it out and email them your own :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shoulda Stayed in Bed

I'm feeling a bit whiney this morning. It's freezing cold outside and I really would have been fine to stay in bed for quite a while today. Sadly, had to get up and around for work, where I still can't warm up. I've lived here my entire life, but sometimes Missouri weather still drives me nuts. I just want to go home, put on something cozy, and sit under a blanket with my laptop and a book to keep me entertained.

...and seriously, morning radio should be banned from giving the time and temperature every fifteen minutes when it's below freezing. Hearing that it "feels like -14" does not help me get out of bed in any way.

(photo courtesy ellessu )

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The New "It" Guy?

I'm a HUGE fan of Wes Anderson movies (The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, etc.). I also enjoy a classic like Caddyshack or What About Bob? from time to time, and I thought that Lost in Translation was total genius. What can I say... I love Bill Murray.

He just seems like the kind of guy you'd want to hang out with. Laid back, hilarious, and cool without trying to hard. Apparently he actually IS all of these things and more, as a few unsuspecting party hosts in NYC are finding out.

An article in the NY Post's Page Six Magazine recounts several sightings of the actor just showing up at small gatherings and house parties, enjoying himself, mingling, drinking, and talking; and then just leaving. The article claims that:

"He's not a boozy, sweaty party hound who gets caught on camera cheesing it up with pretty young girls (see: Mel Gibson, Bono); rather, he's more like a ghost in the night, who shows up out of nowhere, engages in utterly random conversations and then exits gracefully—leaving witnesses to wonder what the hell just happened. Deadpan, detached and seeming a bit lonely, Bill Murray is NYC's most unlikely new party guy."

Apparently he even washed a few glasses at one party when there were none clean to drink out of. Some say that this is Murray's form of a mid-life crisis, following closely on the heels of a recent divorce. As long as his behavior remains low-key and non-self destructive I say, keep on keepin' on.

Oh Bill Murray, I think this just made me love you a little bit more.

(photo courtesy Sophie Ellis as seen on Page Six magazine)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

M. Ward - "Hold Time"

I am so in love with Portland, Oregon it's not even funny. One of many reasons: all of the completely stellar musicians that got started in Portland's fab music scene.

One of those is the excellent M. Ward who's new album, Hold Time, will be released February 17, 2009. It's got some great guest appearances by solo artist Lucinda Williams, Rachel Blumberg of The Decemberists, and actress/songstress Zooey Deschanel (who, not gonna lie, I've got a bit of a girl crush on). Get an early listen to the album in it's entirety here.
(photo courtesy yeled)

Do Not Be Fooled By It's Cuteness

A few months back when I was in the market for a new clock radio I stumbled on to this cute model at Target. It's sleek, modern, compact, and has a nice looking digital readout. I was even pleased when I brought it home and plugged it in to find that radio stations play crystal clear with the digital tuner. Perfect for my morning NPR fix.

My opinion totally changed that night when I went to bed and flipped off the lights. The "clear blue digital readout" glowed way too cheerily in the dark. We are talking RETINA BURNING bright. I tried turning away from it but could still see a blue halo of light in the room. Uuugh. I tried the "dimmer" which made next to no difference. I turned the face away from me and still couldn't get over it's brightness. Finally I grabbed a book on my nightstand and propped it against the front of the clock to drown out it's glaring face, and promptly fell asleep.

The next morning the radio alarm went off AT MAX VOLUME. After investigating I realized that there is no way to change this, and I am now jolted awake by a blaring Morning Edition daily (and sometimes on Saturdays when I forget to turn the auto reset off). This is particularly annoying when, as this morning, I am startled awake by a screaming, "IT'S 6:38, AND WITH WINDCHILL, 4 DEGREES HERE IN KANSAS CITY!!" ......4 degrees?!?!...gross....

In short, I give this little guy an F for FAIL. Anyone have any other suggestions for a clock radio that doesn't suck?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Desperately Wanting

Well, maybe desperate is way overdramatic, but definitely have redecorating on the mind today after having seen tons of great stuff out-and-about and on the internet over the weekend. I think it's this dull time of year, post-Christmas/pre-Spring that leaves me looking for something fresh. Though I can't afford all of this stuff, a girl can dream....

This bedding is in the window display at Pottery Barn right now.

I actually climbed into the display to feel it :). It was AMAZING. It actually looks even better in person if that's possible.

Also saw this chair there and loved it.

There is no way I could ever hide these great measuring cups from Anthropologie in a drawer.

I found this classic dinnerware on sale at Target and am still debating going back to get it. So great for everyday, but also easy to mix and match with. Need it? No. Want it? Umm...yeah.

Saw this bakeware at Kmart a while back and couldn't believe how cute it is...and totally reasonably priced.

...and lastly these too cute prints from dazeychic's Etsy store. The set is called "I Love Your Utensils." (*sigh*).

Friday, January 9, 2009

This girl's last hurrah...

For this week (and this week only) I've let myself go. Well, not entirely I guess, but enough that I'm feeling the effects. No workouts. Eating pretty much whatever I want. Slouching on the couch in front of the computer at night between small amounts of cleaning and laundry. I'm doing it in part because this is the last bit of sloth I can squeeze out of the holiday season that is definitely over at this point, but mostly because I know I'm going to start training on Monday for my next run. Time to get back out there, C. Maybe after I check my facebook one more time...

Last night was scrambled eggs and toast for dinner with a handful of M&M's...and then another...and a few more after that. Today for lunch I had two pieces of pizza that one of my co-workers ordered for all of us. Finished both and was totally stuffed. What do I do half an hour after that? Head upstairs and cut a sliver off of a pecan pie another co-worker brought in. WHYYY??? Uggh...I hurt.

It's been nice to curl up and be lazy on these cold, dark evenings. Still, when I'm out there pounding the pavement I'll know that I'm pushing myself to be better, and maybe secretly missing my couch potato week just a little.

(photo courtesy frankh)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dinner Party

I recently heard about these two great restaurants, Talula's Table (Kennett Square, PA) and Family Supper (Portland, OR), and I think Kansas City needs something of this type. The idea is simple but genius: one meal (several courses), served once a day to 10-20 people, everyone sits at one table and is served each course at the same time, reservations required. I LOVE it. It's like a giant dinner party every night, and really puts the focus back on creating awesome food.

Sadly, Family Supper has closed it's doors after the separation of it's husband/wife owners, but Talula's Table is alive and thriving. By day, Talula's Table is a gourmet food shop, but at 7:00pm nightly hosts a group of up to twelve for a gourmet, eight course chef's tasting menu. The only catch? To score a reservation you have to call at the shop's opening, 7:00am EST, and hope to be one of the first callers to book...for one year from the date of your call!!

To hear a great story on Talula's Table from NPR's Kitchen Window click here.
(photo courtesy Talula's Table)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I'll admit that I'm kind of obsessed with Etsy. It's like Ebay for the art freak. I love the idea that the items on there are one of a kind, I love supporting small artists, and I LOVE the home decor stuff I find so often for such great prices. I am going to have the sweetest, most hipster pad in soon as I am an official "Pad Owner" that is.

That's actually a goal for this year, a resolution if you will, even though I hate those. I guess I should start a list.....

1. Buy an awesome house of my own and stop throwing money away on rent
A couple of weeks ago I found this great little poster on Etsy at dazeychic's shop and felt that it should become my mantra:

LOVE!! That's also going to be another resolution for happy. I don't mean fake happy or happy at the expense of others, but feel-it-in-the-gut, noticing-the-small-but-beautiful-things-in-life, good-for-me kind of happy.

2. Be so happy that people ask who your facialist is because you look that radiantly good

I don't have a facialist by the way. Also, facials would eat into the money that is being stockpiled for Resolution #1, and that would not in the end make me happy. Things that are currently making me happy: listening to new music bought with an ITunes gift card from Christmas, my dog snoring next to me on the couch, daylight hours are finally getting longer again, and the leftover cheesecake from a night out with the girls I'm munching on (*mmm*).

I should probably also add to my list:

3. Post more frequently to your blog, silly

Last post was in...OCTOBER?!? Definitely #3...oops...