Friday, July 10, 2009

UHP: Photo Update!

I have tomatoes!! They're not quite ready yet, but as of yesterday there were even some turning yellowish/pinkish, so fresh, ripe tomatoes are just around the corner.

There have been lots of blossoms on the butternut squash plants in the garden. I'm a little worried though as instead of forming little nubs where the squash will develop once the flowers shrivel, I can only see that the blossom and the branch for about two inches down the stalk are brown and dry. Not sure what happened??

The herbs have grown so much that they're looking bushy and really needing to be pruned back. I will definitely miss them this winter. So will the bumble bees who LOVE the lavender and basil blossoms.

In other interesting news I've seen a number of very smart re-purposing ideas in the blog world this week. Loving this idea from pippa5 on Instructables to create a vertical garden out of a hanging shoe bag. Perfect for growing herbs, greens, or small fruit or vegetable plants and keeping the beasties out. Also great for apartment or patio gardners, or anyone with limited space.

Another great idea from Instructables user Monkeybrad, lawn furniture made from 55 gallon drums. The instructions are pretty simple, and these drums are pretty easy and inexpensive to get your hands on. With the recent influx of spray paint for plastics, you could likely also paint these if you're not a fan of the standard bright blue.

Finally, while this idea may be out of the realm of DIY for most of us, I still thought it was a great idea worth mentioning. Featured on the ReadyMade blog, Jocko Weyland and the folks at Macro Sea are making urban pools out of dumpsters! They've been hosting Friday Pool Parties in the Brooklyn neighborhood where this one is located. Reusing and bringing the community together --doesn't get much better than that!

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