Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend Pt.1

This past weekend started off with some dinner with the girls at one of our favs, Korma Sutra, in Westport. With plans to check out First Friday in the Crossroads we paid our bill and headed downtown. We made it, but realized that it was 10pm and things were already winding down. Feeling too full for drinks and in no mood for clubs, we started driving and the following ensued...

First we ran onto (yeah I know it's blurry, but look closely near the top of the windows) ...yep...The Cool Bus. Do we know why or how it was cool? No, but somehow it still was.

Shortly after, somewhere around 59th and Rockhill, we saw this sweet piece of work next to the road. We thought nothing of it, until we ran onto...

...this, at 74th and Main...

...and this at 79th and Walnut... (note unknown saucelike stain on the cushion)...

..and finally these elsewhere in Waldo...

Ok actually the flip'n'fold was at 52nd and Brookside, under a street light, and yeah we still stopped. Where did all these couches come from? The world may never know, but one thing is for certain: they were disgusting...and we sat on them.


Jason Cowan said...

I'm still disappointed that you didn't bring one of those home with you. Especially the "Magic Eye" looking one. If you look closely at its pattern, you'll see a snarling beast.

Jacks1740 said...

Ha! I love this. We need another Photo safari this weekend!